Sport Central:
Sport Central has enjoyed the partnership and support of the Maple Leaf Athletic Club for several decades (not sure of the actual date). Over the years we have enjoyed the volunteer hours of individual players and entire teams. This has helped introduce our charity to young hockey players, some of whom become volunteers later in their careers.
By far the largest portion of Maple Leaf help comes from the Alumni Association (MLAA). In the sports equipment warehouse, they have been our largest and most consistent volunteer group. Often coming in teams of two and up to 6 or 7 at a time, they load and unload sport equipment, sort, shelve, box-up and recycle with amazing efficiently and smiles on their faces. They know they are helping dozens of disadvantaged children get into hockey and other sports every day.
Maple Leaf Alumni Association members have also sat on our Board of Directors, volunteered on committees and on special events. MLAA members have maned information booths, attended special events and helped with golf tournaments. The Mark Spector Golf Classic has always had the support of MLAA and it is in its 8th year and every year the Association donates funds to the tournament as a Partner or directly to Sport Central. We are the beneficiary of MLAA Time, Treasure and Talent.
It is safe to say Sport Central might not have survived 29 years without the amazing commitment and hard work of the Maple Leaf team. We most certainly could not have grown into what we are today.
Sport Central salutes the Maple Leafs and is indebted to the entire organization. Over 9,000 children per year are also grateful to them for the gift of sport!
Sheldon K. Oleksyn
Executive Director

11847 Wayne Gretzky Drive North
Edmonton, Alberta T5B 1Y2